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best of DETAIL Single-Family Homes
  • 시리즈 :
  • Detail
  • 출판사 :
  • Detail-Verlag in Munich
  • 출판년도 :
  • 2015
  • 9783955532369
  • 발행국가 :
  • Germany
  • 사용언어 :
  • German/English
  • 페이지 :
  • 200
  • 크기(mmxmm) :
  • 210x297
  • 제본 :
  • Paperback
  • 소비자가 :
  • 0원
  • 판매가 :
  • 80,000원
  • 적립금 :
  • 2,400원
  • 구매 수량 :
상품 설명

Architectural highlights from DETAIL

Despite a growing trend towards sharing, and an increasing number of single family households combined with a growing need for flexibility, the individual single family home remains an extremely popular choice. In addition to following building guidelines, private single-family homes are also expected to fulfil high standards when it comes to energy, and often cost efficiency. Nevertheless, they continue to provide considerable scope for architects and designers. 

Best of DETAIL Single-Family Homes brings together a collection of relevant highlights from DETAIL. The publication is made up of theoretical articles and a comprehensive section containing examples of projects which provide unique insights into the various applications of wood, concrete or masonry in a range of passive houses, bungalows, double- and semi-detached houses, and villas with swimming pools, from the simple to the luxurious. What these projects have in common is an ambitious aesthetic quality, which can be summed up as good architecture, providing readers with a great deal of inspiration and constructive solutions for their own practice.

* Planning guide and source of inspiration
* Small residential dwellings in the city and the country
* Single family homes reinterpreted