Home > Books > Architectural design > 설계Detail > The Plan 075 [0708-2014]
The Plan 075 [0708-2014]
  • 시리즈 :
  • The Plan
  • 출판사 :
  • Centauro srl
  • 출판년도 :
  • 2014
  • 9771720655009-20075
  • 발행국가 :
  • : Italy
  • 사용언어 :
  • English
  • 크기(mmxmm) :
  • 245x320
  • 제본 :
  • PB
  • 소비자가 :
  • 0원
  • 판매가 :
  • 38,000원
  • 적립금 :
  • 1,140원
  • 구매 수량 :
상품 설명

Francine Houben |

People Place Purpose - The world according to Mecanoo

Editorial |
theplan075 Editoriale-Houben
Tags: Francine Houben 2014 The Plan 075 Editorial

Interview with Sergey Kuznetsov, Moscow Chief Architect

theplan075 kuznetsov 
Tags: 2014 The Plan 075

Moscow Mapping - Cultural, planning and generational revolution in progress

Moscow | Russia |
TheCityPlan |
theplan075 the-city-plan
Tags: Europe Russia Moscow 2014 The Plan 075 TheCityPlan

SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov |

Ozerkovskaya Mixed-use Complex

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Speech
SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov Europe Russia Moscow Mixed Use Concrete Reinforced Concrete Glass Struttura in calcestruzzo armato Glazed Façade Concrete Cladding Green Roof 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov |

Grunewald Residential Complex

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Speech-Grunewald
Tags: SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov Europe Russia Moscow Residential Complex 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov |

Residential Complex Granatny 6

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Speech-Granatny-6
Tags: SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov Europe Russia Moscow Residential Complex Reinforced Concrete Stone Struttura in calcestruzzo armato Stone Cladding 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov |

LeninskJ Prospekt Office Building

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Speech-Leninskij
Tags: SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov Europe Russia Moscow Offices 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Sergey Skuratov Architects |

Art House mixed-use complex

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Skuratov-Art-House
Tags: Sergey Skuratov Architects Europe Russia Moscow Mixed Use 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Sergey Skuratov Architects |

Burdenko residential complex

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Skuratov-Burdenko
Tags: Sergey Skuratov Architects Europe Russia Moscow Residential Complex 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Sergey Skuratov Architects |

Danilovsky Fort mixed-use complex

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Skuratov
Tags: Sergey Skuratov Architects Europe Russia Moscow Mixed Use Reinforced Concrete Brick Struttura in calcestruzzo armato Brick Cladding 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov |

Residential Complex Granatny 6

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Speech-Granatny-6
Tags: SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov Europe Russia Moscow Residential Complex Reinforced Concrete Stone Struttura in calcestruzzo armato Stone Cladding 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov |

LeninskJ Prospekt Office Building

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Speech-Leninskij
Tags: SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov Europe Russia Moscow Offices 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Sergey Skuratov Architects |

Art House mixed-use complex

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Skuratov-Art-House
Tags: Sergey Skuratov Architects Europe Russia Moscow Mixed Use 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Sergey Skuratov Architects |

Burdenko residential complex

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Skuratov-Burdenko
Tags: Sergey Skuratov Architects Europe Russia Moscow Residential Complex 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Sergey Skuratov Architects |

Danilovsky Fort mixed-use complex

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Skuratov
Tags: Sergey Skuratov Architects Europe Russia Moscow Mixed Use Reinforced Concrete Brick Struttura in calcestruzzo armato Brick Cladding 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Project Meganom |

Tsvetnoy Central Market

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Meganom-CC Tsvetnoy
Tags: Project Meganom Europe Russia Moscow Commercial Reinforced Concrete Stone Struttura in calcestruzzo armato Stone Cladding 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture


ABD Architects |

iCube Office building

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 ABD
Tags: ABD Architects Europe Russia Moscow Offices Aluminium Reinforced Concrete Glass Struttura in calcestruzzo armato Glazed Façade Green Roof 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Totan Kuzembaev |

Residential Complex Firefly Houses

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
Tags: Totan Kuzembaev Europe Russia Moscow 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Pole-Design |

Private House - Behind the wall

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Pole-Design
Tags: Pole-Design Europe Russia Moscow Residence 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Buromoscow |

Residential Complex Block 10

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Buromoscow
Tags: Buromoscow Europe Russia Moscow Residential Complex 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Reserve |

Aeroflot Headquarters

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Reserve
Tags: Reserve Europe Russia Moscow 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Ostozhenka Architects |

Residential Complex Aquarelle

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
theplan075 Ostozhenka
Tags: Ostozhenka Architects Europe Russia Moscow 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

ADM Architectural Dialog with the Metropolis |

Office Complex Alcon

Moscow | Russia |
Architecture |
Tags: ADM Architectural Dialog with the Metropolis Europe Russia Moscow 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

The Strelka Effect

Architecture |
theplan075 Strelka
Tags: 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

International competitions

Architecture |
theplan075 Concorsi-Internazionali
Tags: 2014 The Plan 075 Architecture

Urban life - New public spaces

Urban |
theplan075 Urban-Life
Tags: 2014 The Plan 075 Urban