Home > Books > Architectural design > 설계Detail > Bridges: Potentialities and Perspectives
Home > Books > Architectural design > 공공시설 > Bridges: Potentialities and Perspectives
Bridges: Potentialities and Perspectives
  • 시리즈 :
  • Detail
  • 출판년도 :
  • 2021
  • 9783955535636
  • 발행국가 :
  • German
  • 사용언어 :
  • English
  • 페이지 :
  • 160
  • 크기(mmxmm) :
  • 230 x 297
  • 제본 :
  • Hardcover
  • 소비자가 :
  • 0원
  • 판매가 :
  • 100,000원
  • 적립금 :
  • 3,000원
  • 구매 수량 :
상품 설명
Bridges shape landscapes and cities. They are structures of great value to society.
Bridges almost always document what was technically feasible when they were built so they automatically testify to the mobility and materiality of that time. How have traffic and bridge construction developed since? Where is there further potential? This publication will qualify readers to make complex evaluations of bridges and inspire them to think about bridges and bridge construction in new ways. It features essays on their history, outlines special features of materials selection, describes design approaches, construction types and methods and possibilities for repair and restoration, and offers ideas for planning tomorrow’s infrastructure. Examples of impressive projects demonstrate how they can successfully encompass a range of aspects, including technology and architecture, science, knowledge and innovative solutions.